The best part of the International Quilt Festival at Houston is connecting in person with so many quilting friends! Thanks to the internet, my circle of friends is very wide! Through Facebook and The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims I have gotten to know so many wonderful and fantastic quilters!
Taking a class with Teri Lucas was a major driving force into going to Houston this year! This was Teri's first time at Houston! We were afraid she wouldn't be able to make it, as she lives in New York City and Superstorm Sandy played havoc the week before she was to leave! But things did fall into place for her and she made it! This is Annie Smith, Teri, and myself after Teri's lecture "Quilting is a beautiful and complicated art!"
I also took Teri's class, "And now what, Designs in Machine Quilting". I got to be the teacher's flunky for this class! We all had a lot of fun expanding our thought processes and learning to sketch out quilting designs on paper! Here is Maureen Capps with Teri and me! Maureen and I hung together Wednesday night at Preview night and had a ball cruising through the vendors!
Another long time internet friend is Sarah Ann Smith! Sarah and I became internet friends through a Yahoo group for Janome 6500. I took classes with her at Paducah, and love catching up with her at the shows!
Friends and food! The Quilt Show gals like to get together one evening in Houston for eating and fellowship! And of course, the cameras always come out!
Hubby went with me to the dinner! As Sharon Engel said, he was the rooster in the hen house! He had a great time chatting with all the ladies!
Thursday night after the TQS dinner, I had the opportunity to visit with Hanne-Grete Brink from Norway via Skype! Hanne-Grete was going to come to Houston, but SuperStorm Sandy got in the way! So this was the next best thing! I am here with The Amazing Nine (Mary Kay Davis, Karen Fitzpatrick, Mary Holm, Cindy Neville, Dana Lynch, Wanda Myers, Carol Moellers, Hanne-Grete, minus Bridget Lilja) plus Teri Lucas.
Got to love Texas and Shiner Bock! I love it almost as much as I love my Guiness!!
Hubby loves his Drambuie! Life is good!
I am still mentally and physically exhausted from attending the Houston International Quilt Festival this past week! Those of you who follow me on Facebook have heard of the nightmare of our return flights, so I won't bore anyone with that.
I am still trying to get back into a normal swing of things at home, so I will be doing several short blogs on IQF Houston!
Several years ago our guild got a letter requesting a quilt block that had our guild's logo for a quilt they were doing. I volunteered to take on the project, and sent off a block, and promptly forgot about it. While hubby and I were viewing the quilts at IQF, this quilt caught my attention! Could it be...
Yes! There's that quilt block I made! So I guess that means I have had a quilt in the Houston show!
Stay tuned for more show news!